OLOMOUC, June 22 – 26, 2009
December 10, 2009
Conference DVD has been sent to all participants. The DVD contains proceedings, many talks, photos, etc. This DVD is also available on the web at http://jointlab.upol.cz/icssur2009.
June 17, 2009
A brief and detailed programs of the conference have been added to the Downloads section.
June 16, 2009
The payment by credit card at registration desk will probably not be possible. The participants that intend to pay in this way are asked to pay cash in EUR (only exact amount will be accepted) or CZK. The map of the ATMs in the neighborhood of Konvikt will be available at registration desk. The organizers apologize for any inconvenience.
May 6, 2009
The preliminary Book of Abstracts and preliminary Program of the Conferences have been added to the Downloads section. The participants and presenting authors are asked to check their abstracts and schedule of their talks. If current placement of the talk is not suitable due to limited presence at the conferences, please, contact organizers as soon as possible. There will be two poster sessions during the conferences. If the presenting author of a poster cannot participate in one of the sessions, please let us know.
Detailed maps of the hotels and pensions available and information about connection form the main railway station and Konvikt to hotels can be found here.
April 30, 2009
The list of accepted contributions has been added to the Downloads section.
March 11, 2009
The deadline for regular registration fee payment has been postponed to April 30, 2009. The deadline for registration has been postponed to March 31, 2009. All registered participants will be notified about acceptance of their oral or poster contribution before April 15, 2009.
March 10, 2009
The conference will be opened on Monday June 22 at 10.00. Registration will be possible since 8.00.
The conference is supposed to be closed on Friday 26 at 13.00.
December 10, 2008
Conference poster, leaflet and 1st Call for Papers have been added to the Downloads section.
December 1, 2008
The conference is open for registration.
The Conference is sponsored by:
SPIE/CS - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Czech and Slovak Chapter | LAO - průmyslové systémy, s.r.o. | project COMPAS funded by the European Community within the Seventh Framework Programme |